Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Photography is an art. It can pause time, something we all wish to do to preserve memories we love cherish and wish not to relinquish. A picture can tell a thousand words and each one has a story to show the world. Many people such as i do not have the money and ability to buy the proper materials for pro photography. Sadly, i still use my amateur and quick point-and-shoot. It cost my mother $90 to buy that for me as my Christmas present. I love and will never give it away but i still wish i had a Nikon DSLR camera. Unfortunately it costs much more than my New York trip in July will cost. i live taking pictures of people since they can change mood as quick as a second. i also find that the details of life are amazing and luring. for inspiration i copy pictures off the internet of pro art. some examples of this art are tattoo photography which is unique and most definitely interesting to see the change of art. the art inside the art. or in an easier way to explain it, the art of a tattoo, or inked picture on a person in a picture. so basically a thousand words in itself.

the world has evolved from seeing people in tattoos as horrid and disgusting have morphed into seeing the art of tattooing as a shout out and demonstrative and representation of one's soul. the history of tattooing is a long and tedious story to tell. so i will add a link for anyone to check out. this link explains where the tattoos have originated and how it evolved from jail and gang tattoos to the modern world's exposure of the art of inking:)

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